Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Passage, St. Thomas,USVI's to Bermuda to New London, Conn. USA

Sunny day to depart St. Thomas, USVI’s.

Flying the Spinnaker.

Customs House, St. Georges, Bermuda. This is the official clearance location in Bermuda for transiting yachts.

Lizard, Bermuda.

Old Railway Path, Bermuda.

Bus Transport, Bermuda. There are no rental cars on Bermuda. Residents are allowed one car per family, but motor scooters are available. Bus service is regular and inexpensive as compared to the cost of living in Bermuda.

Lilly’s, Bermuda. Lilly’s were one of the main export items, along with onions in past years. Local gardens are filled with them.

David, Peter, Dennis,Val & Deborah. The Crew at the local Golf Club Restaurant.

David, Peter & Dennis on an overlook bench with a missing backrest.

Deborah, Dennis & David outside the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club.

Peter and Val, heading out for a round of golf. St. Georges, Bermuda.

Dennis’ Birthday.

Cruiseliner going through the cut in St. Georges, Bermuda. Only the smaller cruiseliners can come into this harbor.

Channel Markers, Bermuda.

Dennis with a Jack Fish, caught leaving Bermuda. Unfortunately it is one of the varieties that carry Ciguetara, a toxin found in certain fish in the latitudes from Antigua to Florida and harmful to humans. We had to return it to the sea.

Val with a Bonito. Very good eating.

David eating pasta with Bonito sauce. Delicious.

Peter with a Blue Fish. We caught 3 shortly before arrival into the USA in thick fog.

Dinghy deflated and on the bow of WM for the passage.

Deborah on watch in foggy conditions.

New London, Conn., USA. City Dock and our place for arrival formalities.

The Crew at breakfast in New London, USA. What a treat, the American Breakfast.


At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastıc photos and wonderful to see those fısh you all caught and ofcourse the best photo of Dennıs on hıs bırthday and Val ın the Golf buggy goıng to do her other favorıte sport.

We were so thrılled to see how happy and well you both look too Deborah and Davıd. love Glenıce and Stan ın Turkey


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