Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Booth Harbor, Camden & Rockland, Maine

Floating Lobster Dock, Porpoise Cove, Maine.

Booth Harbor, ME.

Booth Harbor, ME. Many of the larger old homes have been turned into B&B’s.

Schooner and lobster pot markers.

Camden, Maine. David taking a rest 3/4 of the way up the mile path on Mt. Battie to see the views over Camden and many outlying islands.

Camden Harbor, ME.

Camden, ME. Most of the churches in this area have very tall steeples similar to this one.

Camden, ME. Maine is no exception to the beautiful flower filled gardens we have seen so far on our travels in the USA. Note the Granite fence pillars. Some of the streets are even lined with granite curbs.

Camden, ME. Sunrise.

Camden Library, ME.

Camden Me. Tabor Boy. This schooner is a training ship. Note the crewman outside the bow cleaning the anchor chain while the other children watch. The bottom here is often thick mud and the anchor chain requires cleaning on retrieval.

Tabor Boy raising her sails and heading toward the marked channel.

Rockland Lighthouse, ME.

Maine Lobster Festival. 100 lb. Lobster cooker at the 59th Maine Lobster Festival. Rockland.

Cooked Lobster, Maine Lobster Festival.

Lobster Lunch, Maine Lobster Festival.

Deborah about to crack the lobster.

Lobster Crate Race. Crates are strung across the water and competitors see how many times they can cross the crates before they fall in.

Fuel Tank, Rockland, ME. This town hosts the annual Lobster Festival of Maine.


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