Saturday, August 11, 2007

Winter In Perth

The dramatic Perth City skyline.

The War Memorial in Kings Park overlooking the Swan River.

Looking out over the Indian Ocean from our friend’s apartment.

A flock of Galah’s settle in the branches of a Norfolk Pine.

The Galah is a native species and one of many parrots and cockatoos seen around suburban Perth.

Many of Perth’s city beaches are patrolled 365 days a year.

It’s winter in Perth at the moment, when a series of strong cold fronts bring most of the annual rainfall.

The passing of a front is always welcomed by the Kite Surfers.

A coastal boardwalk helps preserve the fragile dune environment.

Winter storms and strong summer sea breezes ensure the sand is always on the move.

A peaceful winters day on City Beach not far from our house.

The Royal Freshwater Bay YC. Every sailor should return to his or her roots now and again?

Big waves from the Southern Ocean crash onto Canal Rocks in the Margaret River wine district, 250km south of Perth.

Majestic Karri trees flourish in the cooler and wetter conditions of the SW.

An Australian icon, the Kookaburra.

A young kangaroo comes looking for food.

An early spring flower, the Kangaroo Paw.

Back in Perth, the city skyline at night.


At 3:59 PM, Blogger Fine Line said...

Your photos are stunning. Thank you for sharing. We went by Water Music and she is sitting proudly in the yard waiting for her crew.

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow ... do we really live in such a beautiful place. Great to catch up with you both and wish you all the luck for the coming 18 months or so, until we see you again.

By the way - arteries are all in great shape - as expected!!

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Glenice & Stan Duffy Sailing Stories said...

Great to get all your wonderful photos and travel stories. Loved the shots of Perth istnt she a big girl now?

Love Glenice and Stan

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We enjoyed your photos, especially the wildlife. One day we will visit Australia to see these animals and more!


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