Norfolk, Virginia
Evening twilight in Norfolk VA. home of the largest Naval Base in the world and a city proud of its arts and culture.
The mermaid has been adopted as a city icon and is portrayed in many forms by the city’s artists.
Even a Chinese mermaid.
The Chrysler Museum houses the second largest Glass Collection in the US. This Tiffany piece being a fine example of the quality of the exhibits.
The Naval Museum’s star attraction is the Ohio Class Battleship Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin was able to travel at close to 40knots!!!!!!!!
These are only the for’ard guns!! Also amazingly the decks are entirely made teak.
Looking forward from the massive windlasses.
Sailing up the main channel into Norfolk takes you as close as you are legally allowed to approach a US warship without being shot at.
We sailors are a strange breed!!!!!
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